I have 1 that runs along the top of the cage, 1 that runs the width. I also have 1 that is the length and 2 that are the width, but I slanted them to make a zig-sag like ramp. I also have 4 6x6" ledges, one that is about 6x9 that is next to the one that is the width, so it makes like a corner shelf. on the bottom I have a large, I want to say.....12x12" that is raised about 2-3" from the bottom of the cage. This is BY FAR their favorite place to chill. The will cuddle in the corner together, or hide under it. Oh, and I have 1 leap-n-ledge. A couple of my 6x6" ledges, they don't even touch. I rearrange the cage about once every couple weeks.