what should i do?

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Jan 16, 2012
hi i just got a sweet baby girl (3 months old) on tuesday of this week and she is already coming to the door when i open her cage and she is running all over her cage and she is doing extremely well. but, after doing my research i have learned that with her being so young it is best that she doesn't have much out of cage time until she is about 6 months old. is this true? she seems very interested in me and eventually i am hoping to have her completely tamed and possibly even teach her some tricks. what is the best way to do this? and when she does come to the door on the cage i put my hands together and she walks all over them and sometimes even walks into my lap, but i do like feel like she is just using me to get down. i do my best to keep her in my lap/arms and set her back down in her cage if she gets too wild. when she does end up getting down on the ground she does really well and runs around alot but never really seems too interested in me and never spends more then a few seconds at a time near me. is it possible that she IS just "using me" to get out of her cage or is this just a step in the posses of taming her?

also i gave her a dust bath yesterday and in a few spots in her cage she is still rolling around like she does in her bath.. what does that mean?THANKS SO MUCH!
I remember what I used to do when I got my baby Tibbit. I had one of those pop-up laundry hampers, I sat across the couch, placed the hamper across my legs and Tibbit would come up to my hands then scamper and popcorn to the back of the hamper. It was perfect way to play and bond with my silly baby boy
If my boys even think they detect a speck of dust, they start rolling wherever it is! That's perfectly ok! Sounds like you have a very sweet girl!
It is true that chins under 6 months should not have out of cage playtime. To clarify that, out of cage playtime is letting them run all around outside of the cage. Holding is not considered playtime. The reason for the restriction is that the kits need to use all of the calories they take in to grow and playtime uses up those calories. Also, kits often do not know when to stop and can play themselves into a hypoglycemic seizure. This is true of exercise wheels, too.
Just be patient with them. If she is climbing on you there has to be some amount of trust with her. Also if she is young you have to look at her as a child, she is full of it and when she gets out she wants to play not just set and be petted. If you gain her trust eventually you will gain more ground, but some chins just don't like to set and be petted even as adults. Good luck.