What should I do? Help?

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New member
Mar 25, 2013
Hi, I've had my chinchilla for almost a year. A few days ago, she escaped from her cage and ran into my garage. On the side of the garage, we have an unfurnished basement (it was blocked by a piece of wood that she squeezed through) - a large space but it has a really low roof (hard for me to get into). We realized that she disappeared in there. It's been a few days and she doesn't come out to meet us, but we know that she can come out of that place since she eats the hay that we leave out for her in different parts of the garage. What should I do? My friend thinks that we should just wait for her to come back but I'm really worried that she might never come back. Help?
Is there ANY way that you can get in there and flush her out? How is the temperature control? She is likely quit scared and not getting enough food or water which puts her at serious risk for health complications. If there is really no way for you to get into that space (or for someone else to) then I would camp out near the space that she exits from and put food, water, dust house, etc., even her cage if you can get it there, into the area outside of where she is hiding. Then settle down for a long wait. Once she comes out block the way she came out so she can't get back in. Once she settles you can work from there on getting her back into her cage.
A water bottle set up in a live trap works well as they tend to want water and then trap themselves as they go for the bottle. Set up along a wall or narrow area near where she is traveling. We keep a live trap set at all times in each of our chin rooms and if one gets out most times we see them sitting in the trap before we even know one is out.
I agree with the cage idea. If you can get her cage out there it may help. It's a familiar space that your chin knows and feels safe in.

Only leave food and water in the cage and don't scatter it around the garage. It will force her to go back to the cage to eat and drink. If you camp out you will hear her get back in and can shut the door once she's in.

Our little one gets in and out of her cage by herself in out of cage time. I've never had the issue you're experiencing but when my little one doesn't want to go back to her cage all I have to do is turn off the light and wait her out. She goes back by herself.

Good luck and sorry to hear of your situation. Let us know how you make out.
Hey Guys!
Today I found my chinchilla! (yay)
I used the trap method because she really didn't like her cage.

Now that I have her back, what should I do?
Should I give her a check-up?

Thanks for all your help!
I am glad it worked for you. In addition to Cathy's recommendations I would also do what ever it takes to keep her from getting that far again.
So glad you found her! That must have been really scary!