what kind of scale?

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Whisker Kisses Addict
Nov 26, 2011
Virginia Beach
From reading on the forum, I know it is important to monitor the girls weight because they mask illness extremely well and sometimes that's the only sign you may have that something may be wrong. Right? OK...I bought a kitchen scale that measures in grams but I don't think it is sensitive enough unless there were to be a say 40 or 50 grams loss. Is there a particular brand of scale you all like and can recommend and where would I get it? I believe my girls are on the smaller end of the spectrum and therefore they may not have as much to lose if they were to get sick so I would like to keep track. Thanks for your help and patience!
Got mine at Target, but it's the same concept. Really, any food scale that can weigh in grams works. Somehow our scales break every so often, so we've gone through several in the years we've had the chins/rescues. I've paid everywhere from $15 to $40... still have the $40 one, and to be completely honest, I liked the $15 one better, so higher price isn't always better.

On my Target $40 one... when you turn it on, it starts out at ounces and you have to press a button on the bottom to change it to grams. That absolutely drives me nuts. It sounds simple, but we weigh all chins (almost 30 of them atm) twice monthly, and the scale always shuts off several times during all of this, and turning it back on and then having to press that button before I weigh... drives me nuts. So just something to consider when you get one - whether it starts at grams, or whether you can set it to start at grams. On mine, there's no way to change it, it always starts with ounces.
go to target's website and type in digital food scale, there's so many choices for around $20-40 that you're head will spin.
After a few tries, I finally found a scale I am comfortable with. Another question? When do chins reach their adult weight? Gizmo is a standard gray (petstore) chin and weighs 609g and is about 18 months old. Sterling is a white sc and weighs 650g and is 15 months old. Micah is a mosaic sc and weighs 573g and is also 15 months old. Any information would be appreciated. Thanks.