What kind of glue to put houses together?

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Well-known member
Jul 20, 2011
I know that a lot of the people who make houses put them together with glue. I have a few houses that I would like to attach to shelves. What kind of glue is safe for chins or am I just crazy and people don't do that?
OK, the thing is that the wood is really thin and it would split if I tried to get a screw in! Thanks though!
i actually use dowel pegs and glue to assemble houses/ shelves... works well for me thus far... and no narsty metal bits for the kids to accidentally bust a toof on...
when i built the huts for my chins (the full size of a FN shelf) i jsut used dowles to attach peices (with jsut a dab of elmers glue) Its a bit more envolved but it works well depending on what your doing.
You know that you can get hardware to attach the houses? Faster easier and don't have to wait for it to dry! I've done this many a time!

Hopefully I do this right, but something like this...


Couldn't you use thin short nails and hammer them in on the underside of the shelf. With the house attached to it, the chin SHOULDN'T be able to get to the areas where the nails are without chew through the front of the side and working their way back.