what is the technical color?

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Aug 16, 2011
West Virginia
If a chins mom is mosaic and its dad is beige? The chin is colored like its mom. Is it still mosaic or is it different because the dad is beige? Also, would it have a chance of producing beige kits?
Can you post a picture of the chin? If the chin has grey ears and dark eyes, it is a mosaic. If it has pink ears and red eyes it is a pink white. A mosaic cannot produce a beige even if one of its parents is a beige. A pink white is a combination of the white and beige genes so a pink white would be able to produce a beige.
Tabitha...I have never bred this combination but I was always under the impression that a beige and mosiac could produce a beige, that they have a 25% chance of producing a beige (with the remaining percentages being 25% PW, 25% standard and 25% mosaic). Am I missing something here?
A white can produce a beige if and only if the other parent is beige. Meaning, a white female can give birth to a beige kit, but she does not have the beige gene to pass to her offspring (which is what Tab was trying to say, since beige is a dominant and is not carried), it had to have come from daddy. A white paired with any color other than beige will not produce a beige.
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Oops - I read Tabitha's post incorrectly. Sorry about that. I was reading it as one of the kits parents being beige, not as one of the whites parents which is what she meant. Sorry for confusing the issue.
Red eyes and pink ears make it a beige derivative (beige or pinkwhite).

A white is a white regardless of the other colors present. White x beige is most commonly called a pinkwhite, but beige mosaic is understandable too.
Tabitha...I have never bred this combination but I was always under the impression that a beige and mosiac could produce a beige, that they have a 25% chance of producing a beige (with the remaining percentages being 25% PW, 25% standard and 25% mosaic). Am I missing something here?

She wasn't asking about the parents' possibility of producing a beige. She asked about the "mosaic" offspring being able to produce a beige since its father is a beige.

Pink ears and red eyes mean you have a pink white which as Spoof pointed out is just a beige mosaic.