what is the most cost effective solution?

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I have a FN 142 and 2 male chinchillas. I'm trying to figure out a way to contain the litter and poop that they fling out of their cage from their pan and shelf.

I'm thinking about buying a 4 inch bass pan and getting rid of the plastic shelves and putting some wooded ledges on them. However, this will be quite expensive and I was wondering if there was any other way? I saw that someone in the forum suggested using fleece to line the outside of the cage but some bedding also goes through the space left on the plastic pan...What do you guys think?/ What do you FN 142 owners do about the mess?

I'm also thinking about changing to fleece but I don't think my mom (current residence of chinchilla) and I (future apartment) want the soiled fleece in the washing machine.

Thank you for your time and suggestions.
I have litter pans for my FN but only use the bottom one. Even with the pans I use a liner as Edgar doesn't always use his potty box. Pans and a liner on the outside of the cage may work but they would need to be washed. I also don't worry about washing any of my pets items in the washing machine as I've never heard of anyone every getting sick from it.
As long as you get any solid matter (poop, hay, etc) off the liners before washing them, it's really not any worse than having babies/small children and washing up after them. :p

The liners should be changed out every few days, so there's really not enough time for them to be completely soiled before washing. There's usually just a few urine spots on mine. I love that there's no more bedding all over the floor any more, just a handful of poops that are easy enough to sweep up once a day or so!