What is going on??

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Well-known member
Nov 10, 2012
Lexington KY
:hmm:So I had been having a problem with mt chins getting under my couch and by putting blankets underneath trying to chin proof didn't work. I had realized tonight I would take the legs off since they simply screw off and left the couch completely on the floor so they could no longer squeeze out. So tonight after getting everything ready for outside play....they completely acted scared and one of my boys came out for like 5 min and about hurt himself by jumping back in his cage so fast after I guess something had spooked him and he would hardly take a dust bath tonight which really concerned me. My other boy stayed behind the couch tonight....coming out to see me just very briefly. Which they are both very affectionate and they have been used to our home for months now. Not needless to say I did put my xmas tree up las night but it just seemed they were really upset or mad at me that they couldn't get under the couch tonight. I just feel like I try to do everything to make them happy and safe and now they acted totally weird tonight. Its like instead of playtime they are more concerned with finding a way under the couch. Can someone please give me some advise please! Also they made their lil barking "scared" call tonight. Im just really upset.
Things changed, they're upset. That's part of being a pet owner. My kids worry about playing on the swings the entire time we're at the park and be upset they're broken/off limits for safety reasons and they miss out on fun time because they worry too much about the swings. I can't beat myself up about it. Give them a couple times out, they'll get over it.
Chins have hissy fits when things don't go their way, you just have to be the big bad Mom and stick it out until they forget. If you don't have a couple of carboard boxes in your play area, give them that to hide in, just cut some holes in it they can get in and out of-at least 3 holes and they should be all good.
Thank you both so much. I hate when my boys are upset. Then im upset but I feel better thank you for the info.