What is a good deal for a used FN?

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Well-known member
Mar 12, 2012
Philadelphia, PA Area
I've been searching around for a used FN.
but I honestly don't know what a good deal is with them. I know a new 182 is around 200-300.
The range I've been seeing them is from 100-150.
I've seen one that went for 75 and in less than an hour it was already sold.

I'm just wondering what every one else's opinion on what's a good deal for a used FN.
I'd say the average good deal in my area is $100. But they typically start higher and don't sell. I got mine by making an offer on ads that kept reappearing. It all depends on if a lot of people are looking for them and what sellers can get.
You should contact Chrissy's chins on here. She's got 2-3 ferret nations in excellent condition that she's selling. She could bring them to the state college show this coming weekend.