What do you think of my pregnant female chin?

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New member
Apr 24, 2013
Hi everyone, I have a pretty violet female who has been in breeding since the middle of November. She was just over 600 grams when I put her into breeding and 9 months old. Now she is just over 760 grams - I am assuming she is pregnant as she lies on her side a lot and has a hard tummy and nipples feel erect, I can't see them around her belly as her fur is very dense.

http://https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/307009_113952322078177_1014461769_n.jpg This is Dad, Charm.

http://https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/37041_243190865820988_346069071_n.jpg This is a recent picture of Valentine (the pregnant female I believe) who has gained over 160 grams since I put her into breeding.

But the question is - when do you think she will be due? She just never seems to be popping! Give me your honest opinions please, this will be my first litter of kits so I am inexperienced but have done lots of research into breeding. Cage is prepared for kits and kit safe.

I am feeding her unlimited hay, pellets, a small pinch of alfalfa twice a week (not sure if I could feed more/less?) and oats every few days.
Your links didn't work, can you attach the pictures with the little paper clip button in advanced posting?
Pics don't work. Some of the weight gain is likely from pregnancy, but it is also very likely that she was not full grown when you put her into breeding.