What do I do with applewood in Mpls?

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A huge branch fell off my backyard apple tree. Does anyone have a use for this?
If it has not been sprayed with chemicals or near any other trees or orchards that have been chemically strayed, I say process it and use it or sell it!!! :)
You can send it to me if you dont want it. I'm sure Shelly would love to sink her teeth into it.
no chemicals

I know for sure it hasn't been sprayed with chemicals for 18 years. My neighbor wants the wood to smoke dead animals with but I'd rather it went to a more happy use.

I'd be happy to send this to people but I do expect to be compensated for my time. I'm new to this but see that organic applewood is expensive. What do you guys think would be fair? Would people pay for it without processing or is that mandatory. And how is it processed?
I can't leave the processing to the buyer if it's sold cheap enough...? I wouldn't want to ruin it with incorrect processing...
If I were you, I'd just sell it unprocessed for a cheaper price. There are plenty of members that would process it themselves. ;)
cheap applewood

I'd be happy to do that. Anyone know what would be a fair price?...