What could this be?!

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Well-known member
Nov 17, 2010
South England
I dont know if you've read my other thread in the Health forum on my little Jasmine? She's had a nasty chest infection recently and she is now 300% better, she has gained all and more of her weight back and is now eating better than ever (in fact, she's becoming a bit of a food addict and is rarely not eating now) so, anyway... since she's been better (and BIGGER!) I've noticed that just behind her front paws is what I can only described as a swelling. When I palpate it there doesnt seem to be anything at all - it doesnt feel hard, or fluidy and doesnt seem to be painful or irritating to the touch. It feels like the rest of her body, but like there's an extra roll of it if you see what I mean!?

I only hesitate to take her to the vet because previously we had a cat who developed a large swelling, not at all dis-similar to Jasmine's and the vet told me it was Flab. She is very very well in herself, very active, playful, She is the Poo Queen, she drinks well, eats well (understatement, but thats great considering 10 days ago she was on 2 hourly CC feeds) there's no breathing difficulties or anything which would make me think she is ill at all. The only thing she does have is slight fur loss from when she was so frail but that is improving daily. Could it be simply because she has had such an impressive weight gain in such a little time? or do you think it might be more sinister?

She's a dinky little lady who only weighs 260g but 2 weeks ago she was only 213g. She is 4 and a half months old and I wonder if she is either a lot younger than we've been told or whether she is dwarf because her tail and her ears are quite little in comparison to my other chin who is 6 weeks older and twice the size (exactly).
IMO since its bilateral I don't think its sinister and without a picture I would say it has something to do with the weight gain.
Sorry! I am being a bit vague! I'll try and take some picture and upload them. I owe Claire D updated pics of hungry, bouncy Jasmine anyway.. Typing from iPhone currently as home Internet being a nightmare so once that's back (need daddypig to mend it!) I'll get those images on! Thanks guys x
Well I went to take a photo this morning, to find the weird swelling had disappeared :hmm: My cousin (vet nurse/ex chinchilla breeder) came over and had a poke and cant see or feel anything untoward so I'll keep an eye on it. Cousin thinks it was just due to sudden weight gain and the fat has now dispersed a bit better! Stranger things have happened I guess. Thanks anyway people x
Oi, where are my photos? I demand photos of a porky Jasmine! :impatient:
For Claire (and anyone else if you're interested...) my 270g fatty!!

sorry about the fuzzy pics but I thought that one sums her character up at the moment. You can see in the second pic how her fur thinned out around her mouth/nose... it IS growing again, but it will take a while I guess. Still doesnt show her colour properly - she is darker than that IRL but I'm not bothered whether she's a BV, a standard or a pink white - she's ALIVE!!!


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It's possible that she was retaining water and you just saw it more in that/those spots. Glad everything is all good now!
Yeay! Hello, Jasmine :wave:

:thumbsup: Ears up, inquisitive, more rounded - she looks much better than in her previous photos. :yes:
Loads better isnt she? From the huddled little skinny ball to a much more inquisitive, playful girly! She's still got a lot of growing and filling out to do but I have her on a good diet (Science with a bit of Beaphar Care thrown in for variety, loads of hay) and every day I can see an improvement. We wouldnt be here without you though, Claire xx