what color mutation is my chinchilla?

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New member
Sep 5, 2012
so i am very curious as to what color my new male chinchilla is, i am usually very god at determining colors with chins but him im stumped.....i got him and his father together, the dad is your typical beige (i will attach a picture) and the women said the mother was a standard but looked more like i violet. and her kits always came out either white or black. the son (who im questioning about) was born looking like a ink white but has reviled a beige tint. and has very red eyes that are very noticeable unlike the beige's who are usually seen with the flash f a camera. i am thinking a pink white out of beige? but im not for sure. i would say **** ebony but he does not have all features of one.
also i do have a beige female around the age of four years who i am looking to breed with my beige male to produce beige kits, but am not sure if she has ever been breed, i do know there's a way to check with your thumb? but i herd their pelvis can fuse and have trouble delivering, is this true? i read on a chin rescue site that you can breed after a couple years with no problem though. but im not going by them as i want the best for my chinchillas. http://www.flickr.com/photos/90283181@N02/8399743057/in/photostream/ <--- link to pictures thanks for viewing!!:thumbsup:
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Does either chin have a pedigree? Has any chin been shown? If the breeder is telling you he is out of a standard and a beige, then those are the only 2 colors possible. If she can't identify the colors odds are that the chins are not breeding quality and shouldn't be used. Breeding is a big commitment and not one to be took lightly. I you post a picture we can help with the color but I wouldn't advise breeding till you can identify colors. Keep doing your research.
The lighting is very poor in the pictures, but it appears to be a **** beige.

I agree that it does not sound as if the animals are from a reputable breeder. If the breeder cannot supply you with the parents actual colors and just says the babies come out white or black, then I would doubt their integrity. Throwing two healthy looking, active animals together to make babies does not make someone a good breeder. There is a lot to consider when breeding beyond "I have a male and female and want this color baby so I put them together". If you value your chins as pets, keep them that way and don't breed them. There is so much that can go wrong with pregnancy, it's a miracle when anything goes right. If you are serious about breeding, look up some reputable breeders in your area and talk to them at length. They will tell you the good, the bad and the ugly.
Not a real good photo of Penelope but her fur looks real rough, is she chewing? If she is that would be another reason not to breed her.
The son looks like a **** beige.

The female is not of good quality and is a fur chewer and should not be bred. Chins pelvis' don't fuse, guinea pigs do, and I would be curious as to what rescue site was giving information on breeding? That alone is a sign of poor rescue or poor information.

I agree that you if you want to breed you need to do more research, go to some shows, and find a local breeder if possible ( who shows and breeds for quality) to be a mentor.