What are good treats for baby chinchillas?

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What are good treats for baby chinchillas to eat if any at all? I have a Petsmart closest to me, if that helps.

& also quick question..

Today my younger brother stood at their cage and started singing..both babies ran up the bars and held them while standing up a bit and listened to him intently while he sang. Has anyone else experienced this before? I think it's hilarious! They looked so mesmerized by him. Hahaha.
Chins under 6 months of age should not have any treats of any kind.

Petsmart generally does not sell many safe things for chins, no matter if they are marketed for them or not. Unfortunately Petsmart claims many of their products are safe for chins when in all actuality, they are not.

Once chins are older than 6 months of age these are the most common things that are considered safe in moderation: unfrosted shredded wheat, old fashioned oats, rose hips, plain cherrios. Mine love chewing on prepared apple twigs. Even babies can chew on twigs, I buy apple wood from rcr on here.

Under six months............wood sticks or wood coins. (properly prepared)

Over six months.........everything stack said.

also you can provide loofah or pumice to keep their teeth worn properly.
(they need to be pet safe & not the kind in the beauty section)

many sellers in the classified section have these items.
I agree as well.

As far as what you can find at petsmart. You can find apple sticks, loofah, willow sticks, and lava bites.

However, I would strongly suggest buying from people on here. I have never had any problems ordering from anyone, and it is way cheaper than the pet store.
I just wanted to add when giving a shreddie, do not give a whole shreddie as a treat. It should be 1/2 of the bite size plain shredded wheat.
Chins seem to love being sung to or talked to. Every night after Edgar gets his out time I sit quietly and talk to him. It's cute when he sits up and just listens.

I didn't answer about treats because you've already gotten such good advice.