What an idiot I can be...

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Well-known member
Feb 4, 2009
Upstate NY
I am real good at organizing, I even have a filing cabinet with files for the phone bill, cell, visa, etc.. I believe there is a place for everything and everthing has a place.

Well I started to do my taxes, which had their own folder, and now I can't find the folder. I am soo mad, because of what I've started already and not working still, I can claim alot so I'm getting a good chunk of money back and I really want to finish my taxes, but like I said, I can't find the folder. DUH!!!!

Has anyone ever done anything like this before or am I totally losing my mind?
I'm too young to lose my mind, lol, only 44. I'm just really upset and since we can write about anything in this forum (another reason why I love it), i just wanted to vent.

I'm only 25 and I have senior monents all the time where I can't find things. I've kept all of my tax stuff in the same folder year after year, so it's always in the same place but I do forget where things are all the time. I try to keep everything together, but I swear stuff grows legs and walks off. Good luck with finding it and doing your taxes.
Last Memorial day I came back from a band trip to New York. Obviously, the first thing I did after getting home was unpack (then take a nap.) I don't remember what I started unpacking first, but at some point I had to clean out my purse b/c I had my make-up, my BC pills and other random stuff I don't usually keep in there.
I clearly remember having the pills in my hand. I don't remember setting them down. I don't remember WHAT I did with them. I know I was in my room and I must've left at some point, but whether or not I brought the pills with me I'll never know.
I still, to this day have no idea what I did with those pills. I spent days looking for them, eventually had to refill them since I couldn't find them, and I still haven't seen them. I've cleaned since then (lol) I've looked everywhere. My room isn't that big; they're just GONE.
I've lost other things in my lifetime, but I remember taking these pills out of my purse and having them in my hand, but after that it's a complete blank. On the plus side, I haven't lost anything in that manner since then. The one thing I've lost recently, if it isn't in my desk, someone took it so it doesn't count. lol
Almost daily I lose things and look all over for them, and they end up in the first place I looked! I'm notorious for screaming 'where are my fabric scissors they were right here?!' two seconds after I put them down, and they are either right where I left them or back in the bin where I'm supposed to be putting them.
I do this ALL THE TIME. I say to myself, "this is important, I'll put it in a safe spot." Months later: "Where the h*ll is that thing?" Then, when I find it, it's in a place I would NEVER look for it. So now, I just put everything on my desk. It may be messy, but everything I need/am looking for is somewhere in that pile. I find that the more I try to organize, the more I can't find stuff.
I do that too. I'm notorious for "organizing the apartment"...and then not being able to find anything!! At least when it was a mess, I knew where stuff WAS in the mess.

The worst thing is my car keys. I have a little basket by the door...but if they're not there... God help me. They may even be in the fridge, haha.... and of course if it's something important and I NEED to remember it... that's the first thing I misplace.

My lack of memory and losing my train of thoughts... I always say I'm an 80 yr old in a 24 yr old's body. Haha.
So now, I just put everything on my desk. It may be messy, but everything I need/am looking for is somewhere in that pile. I find that the more I try to organize, the more I can't find stuff.
I do that too. I'm notorious for "organizing the apartment"...and then not being able to find anything!! At least when it was a mess, I knew where stuff WAS in the mess.

Why is it that my mother doesn't seem to understand this?
Well, i'm glad to know it's just not me. I now I put them in that "safe spot" so I could finish them, and that must of been my mistake. I should of left them were they were. lol

Thanks guys for letting me know it's not just me,
Maybe you'll find it at my house. I bet it's at the bottom of one of the many piles of papers laying around.
Jean I know we've all heard the story before but. . .
I'm older than dirt and so now have to have bifocals although I detest them. So when I read I take my glasses and put them up on top of my head and sit in the chair and read while watching (more like listening) to tv. Last night I got up to make supper and could find my glasses anywhere! I can't see without them so I couldn't even really see to look for them. Stewart comes out of his room to help me look and he says, "mom they are on your head"
So yes I'm an idiot! I put my car title for the old car away for safe keeping and we're thinking of doing cash for junk to get rid of it and I can't find the flipping car title I put in a safe spot. It's not in the Elvis drawer (where I keep all my Elvis stamps) or the microwave cart which is usually where all that stuff is kept.
Glad to know we're not alone. I sure hope you find it though!
I think we've all done something like this. I have a tendency to organize to the point where I don't know where anything is anymore! Drives my bf crazy!
I am ALWAYS losing things!! Most of the time, especially on weekends, it gets hectic at home because I'm getting the boys ready for basketball, soccer, baseball...which ever one is in season. I'm trying to fix them something to eat, I'm tending to the chins, doing laundry or cleaning. Then if the boys start fighting/arguing I have to drop whatever I'm doing to intervene. I have found my keys in the freezer when I fixed a drink to take when we'd leave for a game. I found my wallet in one of the chinnie cages because on my way out the door to the store I noticed one of them was running low on water, so I took the water bottle to refill it, but left my wallet LOL.

So, you're not the only one!!
Mom had a little pewter angel on her desk at work for years. She retired last year and it came home to sit on the computer desk. She went back to work last week and wanted to bring it with her. She couldn't find it anywhere. Had 5 conversations with my son about if he took it, and where it was. Got stories about aliens. I was looking in one of her collectible cabinets, ad there it was. I gave it to her and she said, oh yeah I put it there 2 weeks ago so I wouldn't get lost.