What a week!

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And I mean the title sarcastically. :(

Our past week and a half has not been a good one. Let me start with Emma.

We went in for her one month checkup (can you believe she's already a month old?) and he went through the normal checking of things. She's a healthy weight, almost weighed 11 pounds. Well, when he was checking her heart, he stayed there listening for a while. Immediately I knew something was wrong. He told us she has a heart murmur. He said it was a 2 (out of 6 I think), and while he said it was quiet, he wanted to keep an eye on it. He told us to schedule an appointment with a cardiologist at Children's Hospital as soon as possible. He said she'll grow out of it. Apparently as a child I had a heart murmur, too. Needless to say, after him telling us this I broke down and cried in the room.

She's also been a little fuss pants. She cries, while not a lot, when she does it's piercing. LOL! She has a set of lungs to say the least. She doesn't like car rides all that much, either. I hope both things she overcomes fairly fast.

Now, the other news. One of our chinchillas passed away on Thursday. I went downstairs to give him critical care and found him. I ran upstairs and told my husband (rather, sobbed to him where he couldn't understand) and he went down and confirmed it. So, we're having him cremated and getting him a little urn.

So, there you have it. I hope things get better within the next coming weeks, especially with Emma. Oh, and I'll have new pictures of Gabe and Emma up soon. :)
Oh dear. That has been a terrible week for you all. Keep us updated on Little Emma! No - I can't believe shes a month! WOW.

So sorry about your chinnie. He's watching!
Maybe your chinnie passed so he could watch over your girl better while chilling on the Rainbow:heart3:

I had a heart murmur when I was a kid, and like you have had no issues with it.

Take a nice bubble bath or read your favorite book again-just do something nice for youself-sounds like you need it...:thumbsup:
Im so sorry for your loss. My 10 month old had a heart murmur when she was born by 3 months of age is was completely gone and she never had an issue with it altho I worried myself sick and slept every night with my hand on her chest lol.
It seems like heart murmurs are quite common. My father-in-law had one as well as a child, and he's had no problems. I'm hoping this is the way it will be with Emma.

We go in next week Monday for her cardiology appointment. I'll let everyone know what is said.
So sorry for your loss, and everything else. Things will get better, keep your spirits high and go cuddle a chinnie.
An update on Emma

So, we went to the cardiologist today. They did an x-ray of her chest and an EKG, and when the doctor came in he said it wasn't anything to worry about. Her chest x-ray looked fine, and said that when he listened to her heart when she was calm, it was very quiet. When she got worked up, then you could hear it. I'm sure the next time we see the pediatrician, if he thinks it's gotten worse, he'll send us right back.

On another note, she's 12 pounds already! She's a month and a half old! LOL! And she was 23 1/4 inches long. She's catching up to her big brother!
That's great news about Emma's murmur. Sorry about your chinnie :(. I hope things keep improving!