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Well-known member
Jun 23, 2009
Phoenix, AZ
So I was on my way home from school today on the I-17. I was doing the speed limit and had merged into the left lane to pass someone. I passed the person but I saw another car cut in front of that person so I stayed in my lane. That person kept coming over with no blinkers really fast and before I knew it they were in my lane about to hit me. I slammed on the breaks and my car jerked to the left. I tried to stop but it kept swerving right and left and finally I slammed into the wall. Airbags did not deploy but my poor little doxie slammed into the dashboard and got a bloody nose. Some nice man stopped and asked me if I was ok. My car could drive but anything over 4mph and it wobbles. He followed me to a safe neighborhood where I called police and luckily the dispatcher said they had already sent out officers so someone had called. The cops came and asked me if I had a description of the car and it all happened so fast that I didn't know the make or model or plate number, just that it was a silver sedan. The cop said he has had several witnesses call in so they are trying to track down the person because they fled the scene. I really hope they find the guy. I don't have to money to fix my car right now.

My mom came to the scene and I just broke down. I didn't know what else to do. I still am shaky and still feel like I'm going to puke. Now I don't want to drive anymore. The towtruck driver did say I handled my car nicely though having hit the wall at 65mph and only to get minimal damage.

Just needed to vent and get suggestions on what more I can do.





At the scene
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Wow. I'm glad you are okay. It certainly could have been much worse. I hope they catch the person who caused it but I wouldn't count in him having insurance. He probably fled the scene for a variety of reasons.
Aw that sucks! I hate idiots who drive like maniacs. So glad it wasn't worse though!

I do hope they catch the guy, it will probably be hard to do, but I hope they do!

And for the future, please buckle your puppy in! That could have ended up a lot worse than a bloody nose! I always buckle my dog in even though she weighs 60 lbs. You can get booster seats so that they're strapped in but can still look out the window. Or else you can get harnesses that clip into the seat belt.
Do you have auto insurance? We have to have it in Massachusetts, but I don't think that is true in every state. But insurance is for just such happenings. Poor puppy, give him a kiss from us!
you can get harnesses that clip into the seat belt.

Yeah my mom and I ran out to PetsMart when the police finally let us leave and fitted Bailey with one and got one for our other dog too. I was more concerned about him than myself or the car.

And Carol. Yes, I'm affraid that the person doesn't have insurance or is an illegal. One of many reasons. Even the kind gentleman, bless him, hardly spoke English and when I said I had called the cops and they were on their way, he said "he had to go" so who knows here in AZ.
Do you have auto insurance? We have to have it in Massachusetts, but I don't think that is true in every state. But insurance is for just such happenings. Poor puppy, give him a kiss from us!

Yes, I have insurance but only Liability, so that doesn't cover someone hitting me and causing me to wreck.
Liability insurance only pays for damage that you cause to another person, or their property in an accident. If you cannot afford to repair or replace your vehicle in the event of an accident, you should carry liability, comprehensive, collision, uninsured and under-insured coverage.

Also, in your description of the accident, you say they came into your lane and were "about to hit" you. You need to see what your state laws are in regards to vehicles making contact. If they hit you, they should be responsible (if they are found). If there was no contact between vehicles, they may not be liable. In my state, there has to be contact between vehicles. If a car swerves into your lane and you swerve to miss it, hit a tree and total your car - you are liable because there was no contact.

Also, if you live with someone who has coverage, check to see if your state laws allow "stacking" of insurance policies. Say you live with your mom, who has uninsured coverage on her policy. You may be able to "stack" her policy on yours and use her uninsured policy to have your car repaired.

I also totally agree with the doggie harness that buckles in. We see a lot of clients whose pets have been killed in accidents, or who end up outside the car and run away or get hit. It isn't something that a lot of people think about until it happens, but it does happen a lot.

I hope everything works out for you and your pup is okay.
I hope that you're okay, Brittney. Tomorrow you may be really sore from the whole thing. :( And, your poor dog! I swear, you have the worst car luck of anyone I know. :(

Your car looks surprisingly good... I guess that that is a plus!
glad you and your pup are ok. a similar thing happened to me 2 years ago (on april 15).
it was raining very heavily, i hydoplaned, slid across 3 lanes of a major highway (295) i gently cut the wheel because i didnt want to go into the middle median and across to the other side, i slid back across 3 lanes and hit the guardrail and then my car spun facing the other way stuck with my driver side on the guardrail. my bags did not deploy and it was all in slow motion. i did almost $9,000 in damage, had 2 of the 3 kids with me and no one got hurt. i was in shock & just sat there. later in the shower i bawled my eyes out and i still have flashbacks of that day and what "could" have happened. when it rains now i have to drive i am a nervous wreck and often have to take a xanax to chill out. my car is a company car and they had to pay the whole thing since no one else was involved. needless to say this was the first of 3 accidents in an 18 month period!!
i am just happy to hear that everyone is ok, hopefully they can get your car running and than you can fix the body damage.
Wow, that's terrible! I almost got hit head on a couple days ago, because some idiot was doing something else instead of driving! Its lucky you are both okay.