I'm not really sure how to describe the sound my chin has been making. It's almost like a low whistle/grunt. It's been the past several nights. I have been checking the chins like a hawk and nothing is amiss. I'm not sure which boy is making the noise, Terrance or Phillip. The boys eyes/nose/ lungs are clear. They are eating and pooping normally. No hair rings either. I debated calling my vet, but nothing obvious that I can see is wrong with the boys. They are acting normal. The only change in the room is my mom's hamster's babies are old enough to run in their wheel now, and squabble between themselves. (long story about a pet store mix up, the hamster was supposed to be a class pet!) I have also been playing a video game with the music on this past week. Im not sure what is going on with the boys or if I should be worried.