Weird poop; super scared for my chin!

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New member
Nov 21, 2013
My chinchilla Emi is sick, and I don't know what to do. I got her from a rescue in November, and she has been doing so well up until the past two days. On Saturday I noticed her poop was squishy and rounder than her usual stool (which has always been normal). I took away all treats and pellets and started giving her just timothy hay (oxbow). Yesterday, her poop was the same. I gave her a probiotic cookie from whimsey menagerie (a chinchilla rescue) and watered down apple juice (no sugar added, no preservatives, etc) along with her water. She has not been drinking as normal. Her poop still is greasy looking and soft.

Yesterday and Saturday her energy level looked normal (and at play time she was hopping and running around as usual). Today she's been more lethargic although granted she could just still be sleepy. Should I continue doing her play time? It's usual once or twice a day for one hour (sometimes an hour and a half).

Also, her weights normally in the 660s and now it's in the 640s. (grams)

What should I do? Should I continue with the probiotic cookie and apple juice?

We also recently switched her to kiln-dried pine bedding in her litter pan (everything else is polar fleece) from the carefresh natural. She started eating that, I freaked out and switched her to the pine (that was three weeks ago). She does nibble on that although I have no idea how to stop her (I've put toys by her litter pan in case she's just bored there). Could that be it?

Please any advise would be helpful. I'm so scared for my sweet girl; she's my first chin and I love her so much. Also, if anyone has any exotic vets they recommend in the Fredericksburg/DC area that would be amazing. Thank you so much!

Chin needs to go to the vet, it could be bloat, a parasitic infection, a bacterial infection or something else. When chins start to act lethargic it needs a vet, they hide things well so the issue can be more serious than you think. I would not use apple juice for any illness, even without sugar added it still has sugar and the sugar will make gut issues worse by giving extra "food" to the bad bacteria in the gut.
Thanks everyone for your quick responses! We went to the Emergency Vet this morning, and she has giardia. I definitely will take her to the vet immediately next time her stool is different. They gave her metronidazole benzoate (0.06mls every 12 hours for 7 days) and Oxbow Digestive Support. Surprisingly, she had a blast at the vet and was exploring everything and zooming around the room. I'll be closely monitoring her appetite and cleaning everything super well. Does anyone have any experience with this medicine or tips about addressing this parasite? Also, on the cleaning note, should I leave her toys in there until she feels better, remove them completely, or replace (and then throw out in a week)? Same with her willow tunnel? Thanks again everyone for your prompt replies! Fingers crossed she responds well to the medicine and recovers quickly :)