Weeklong Chin Sleepover!

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Well-known member
Sep 29, 2012
I've agreed to chinsit my coworker's chin in my house for a week while he's out of town for the holidays. Although I'm pretty excited to have another little fuzzbutt in my house, I'm a tad worried that since they're both males (4 months) they'll start getting territorial at each others' smell, and their personalities will change. Both Zip and Mips are sweet little guys right now and I'd like to keep it that way!

Zip will come with his own cage and all his accessories so there would be no dispute over cage territory or belongings, and I'm considering not allowing them to interact with each other at all (Mips has a two-level FN and I can close off the bottom while Zip comes out to play in the chinroom so no sniffing through the bars)

Am I overthinking this and losing out on an amazing chance for a heartwarming chin rompus? Or are there more precautions that I should be taking for a strange chin in the house?
:( Aww, I'll see if I can set him up in the living room then, thanks for the advice!