This is my second chin, born on Dec. 19, 2011... She was the runt of the litter and has always been small. Twice a day she gets hand fed Dyne (milk supplement) because she is so small. Was taken to the vet and was told that as the runt she may always be a bit smaller but overall health was great. My problem is, it has been 3 years since our chin was a baby and I don't remember her poop getting stuck in her fur. It looks normal, right color and shape but after running on her wheel I spend about 5 miniutes picking it off of her. As this chin is meant to be a companion for the other and is also a gift to my three year old, I just need to know if this is normal and if there is anything I can do!
She has had a dust bath recently, and we did not put her in the same cage as our 3 year old chin. She is not overly noisy until I clean her and has been eating and drinking normally! Thanks for any info!!
She has had a dust bath recently, and we did not put her in the same cage as our 3 year old chin. She is not overly noisy until I clean her and has been eating and drinking normally! Thanks for any info!!