Watery eye

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Chinchilla Servant
Oct 23, 2013
So my little one had got a watery squint squinting eye. I discovered it last night while feeding her. But it doesn't seem to bother get. She's bouncing about, eating, drinking, and playing with her toys. This is the second time it's happened but it cleared away in a day, but it was her other eye. Is it possible she's just getting something in her eye? If so what eye drops can I use, also she's a very fussy girl to hold. I'm taking her to the vet ASAP when they're open.
Going to the vet is the best idea because it could be a variety of things. You also may want x rays to make sure your girl's teeth are healthy too.
Do you know any ways to comfort a stressed chinchilla? As I said she's fussy on holding and very shy. I'm just afraid of stressing her out too much during the visit.
Unfortunately most of the reasons an eye is watering is something a very should see. We use a small travel cage that we put into a cat carrier. By being enclosed our boys feel safer.
I know. I'm planning on taking her, i just want her as comfortable as possible for the time being. Sadly I have no transportation to any emergency vet until Monday and all local vets in the area are closed on weekends. :( 90% of them will not deal with exotics.
she may have something in her eye, you can get some natural eye drops at the drug store and put some in there. See how that works.
If things to not improve, a vet visite would be good. Including an x-ray if the eye duck is not clogged.