Water bottle recommendation?

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Well-known member
Oct 29, 2013
Tallahassee, FL
So after several different attempts, I'm giving up on the local store-bought water bottles: our first set would simply stop working (seemingly at random), our second set leaks fairly often & making a mess, and our third set seems to do a combination of both. Does anyone have any good suggestions/links to a water bottle that has been proven to be reliable?
My guys chewed holes in all of the plastic ones, so I had to switch to glass early on. The SuperPet bottles leaked, but I've had a lot of luck with these the past 6 months. There's a rubber washer in the bottom that can be replaced. No leaks yet!
I actually use both the bottles above!

The plastic valve one is amazing. It's never leaked, it's easy to clean... I absolutely love it. I usually put a flap of fleece there to prevent chewing. Seriously, it's the best one I've used yet.

The glass one is good too. I bought two of them but opted to keep the plastic one since I loved it so much. This one doesn't really leak but I will find a drop of water on the fleece from time to time. I hate cleaning the glass bottles but if you want glass, that's the one I would get.
I'm not much helps as all my cages use a Water Buddy, which were sadly discontinued.

However, this one is similar (link below) to the Water Buddy, but I've got no personal experience with it so maybe someone who does will chime in.

Ive used these before. Some ppl claim to have a good run with them, but i think they are horrific.

The main draw was the idea that it is not supposed to leak at all due to a new type of nozzle. Some chins just never get used to it or cant figure it out and and up not drinking.

Its also plastic, which for a water bottle is never good.
The top screws on but the thread is so small/short. Its barley held on. Its also not air tight. If you turn it upside down or lay it on its side, the water will poor out the edges on the top.
The only thing that holds that to the cage is that one spring. There is no support from underneath. Which means you often have to use a horizontal bar to rest it on. Which puts all the weight pressure right on the nozzle. Not a good thing.
It also seemed to have a horrible center of gravity. I could never set it down on the ground. It would always fall over. Then comes into play the water spilling out the top that i mentioned earlier.
They were also expensive ><

I still have mine, but they are tucked far away. I have no intentions of ever using them again.
As far as chins not getting used to them, you can try rubbing a raisin over the nozzle (not feeding the raisin).

You can also buy or even make simple little water bottle guards that will attach to the cage. Helps with the chewing the bottle and the horizontal/vertical bar issue. Most of the cages have horizontal bars but I use a water bottle guard on each one as a just in precaution. Most of my guys don't chew the water bottle but this way if one night they decide they want to, they can't get to it.

I just made mine from hardware cloth and attached to the cages...easy easy.