Water bottle height?

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Well-known member
Dec 9, 2012
I've had my chins for several months now, but it just occurred to me...
What is the proper height for their water bottle?

At first, my chins could be on all fours and drink from it. Now that they've gotten bigger I decided I should move it up. I remember reading somewhere that chins should only stand on their back feet when drinking, so the height currently has that effect. They seem to sit comfortably on their back legs to drink...Is this correct? Is there even a correct way at all?(Under the circumstances of course)
I honestly don't know the answer to this, but I'm curious as well. I tend to move Mochi's water bottle a lot because everytime I manage to see her drink from it, she doesn't look comfortable. Like her head and/or neck are in a weird position. Unfortunately, I rarely get to see her drink. She does it most often when I'm not around to watch.
I've read that when mommy chins nurse babies its appropriate to set a baby-height for the bottle as mom shouldnt mind or struggle with the lower height. It's a good question though, I moved my bottle to a stand-on-back-feet height too for my chins.
My bottles are at about 6 inches high, so stand on back feet height about. One of my chins prefers to drink by turning his head almost completely upside down, it doesn't matter where the bottle is for him. I think as long as they are drinking from it, it's an okay height.
High enough to be out of the bedding and from there it really doesn't matter. Most chins will turn their heads at really awkward angles when drinking, regardless of where you put the bottle. You do need to make sure that it is low enough for kits to reach if there are any in the cage.
Might depend on the type of bottle, too. I have a Water Buddy and Idgie does well with it at her head height while she is sitting.
Thanks everyone! I think I'll lower it just a pinch. My chins always tip their heads straight back, too. Silly little guys.