Water Bottle Confusion

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Well-known member
Sep 23, 2010
I have noticed that most people like the lixit water bottles. After Petunia ruined another bottle from the pet store I figured it was about time to get a nice glass bottle (the glass bottle they had at pet-co was garbage, it stopped forming a vacuum after three days :( ). But, when I went to order a lixit I noticed their was three different 16oz models; GB16S GB16M GB16L. I'm fairly confused now. What water bottles have others ordered?
I use the Oasis Bell Bottle for my chins with the guard. It always forms a vacuum and is great!
Thanks :) I'll try it out, and just in time! Tunnie has just discovered that with a little chewing (what can't be solved this way) one can get the water out much faster.
The most commonly used ones are this one:

But if I'd been able to afford it at the time, I'd have probably gone w/ the heavy duty bird-designed bottle:

But, I'm a big advocate of a valve-system bottle; no worry about a vacuum forming b/c the pressure of the water building behind the valve causes the flow when the seal is disrupted by the chin. My guys have 2 Lixit bottles and 1 valve bottle, and they prefer the valve bottle paws down. (So do I; it's easier to fill.) Check out Nivek bottles for an idea of what I'm talking about.
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I'm also about to purchase a few new water bottles; should I go ahead and get all Nivek or get a few lixit/oasis? I need four. My younger chin has a real hard time with the superpet bottles I have now because the nozzle is so huge. Not to mention they drip a ton!
Well, there are pros and cons to each. The glass Lixit are dishwasher safe as long as the nozzle goes in the top rack. That way you know they're sterilized (by the heat). The glass also makes the only chewable part the plastic cap/spout. But, ime, the Lixit do drip (there's actually a drop hanging off of one of my Lixit bottles right now), and I've dropped and broken one while washing it.

I haven't used a Nivek yet, but they're very similar to the Edstrom Water Buddy, which I have. That's the valve bottle my guys can't get enough of, so clearly there's something about it that's easier or more fun or something. But, it's made of clear PVC plastic; that usually means no dishwasher (or top rack only for some) and chewable. With those, it's usually recommended that you use a guard.

Maybe try two and two, so you know at least one will be safe/working at all times? You can always resell on here if you see that they're just not interested in one bottle at all.
I'm curious about the comparison too. I just ended up ordering the lixit one since chewing was the major issue. But the other one might work better for the little sisters as they don't chew the water bottle.