Wat do i do wat do i do!!?!?!?? :(

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New member
Jul 3, 2011
this week my baby has been fighting a cold...i have meds given by my vet...an he has had bloat...he finally passed it an was ok till this morning i woke up an my baby chin chilla names FUZZEL was stretched out an his head was up in the air..mouth abit open...i pick him up he is cold an low energy...off an on he is twitching like a seizure ( donno if i spelled that right ) im in tears..donno wat to do....my vet is closed today...the apointment is tomorro at 11am...he is on his side breathing heavy an slowly....his bottom is wet like he peed...or something...his wiskers off n on twitch....PLZ HELP ME >.<!!!!!!!!
Rose there is nothing we can do. This chinchilla needs to see a vet immediately. If you cannot take him you need to hold him and love him until he passes. He sounds very, very close to death
I agree. I doubt he will make it through the rest of the day and about the only thing your vet can do at this point is put him to sleep.

Spend as much time as you can with him and then tell him it's okay to let go. I'm very sorry.
I'm hoping for the best, but be prepared mentally for the worst. I'm so sorry you and your baby are going through this nightmare.
I am so sorry that you are going through this horrible event. I pray that he makes it through this. Hang in there, Fuzzle.