Washing liners?

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Yeah i think you can, but i don't i wash them separately, no detergent, white vinegar.
You could but personally, I wouldn't. They are covered in pee and I wouldn't want pee in with my clothes. I wash mine separate from anything else, I use detergent but you can you vinegar. I wash in hot/warm water and use the second rinse option on my washer, I don't dry them in the dryer, I just hang them up.
I agree that you could, but I wouldn't personally. Besides that there's always fur stuck to the fleece and sometimes hay bits that you can't get off with a brush.
I agree with everyone else. You could but I wouldn't. I have enough chinnie stuff to make a small load by itself anyways. If you have garage towels or cleaning rags I would wash it with that stuff instead of my clothes.
I'll wash one or two pet things alone for the sake of not having pet fur and dander all over my clothes... I definatlely would not wash liners with my clothes any more than I would wash cloth baby diapers with my clothes, kind of the same concept.
I always wash mine seperately. I shake them outside to get any small pieces of hay or bedding off, then I take a lint roller (the extra sticky kind) and roll off any excess debris. After all that they go in the wash on a cold cycle with detergent.
I did by mistake the other day. I have fleece formy new amputee...my whole load of laundry had to be re-washed smelled like chinchilla cages.
If your chins pee on the liner which I'm sure they do, you'll pretty much be washing your clothes in chin pee water...blech!
I was liners with all my other pet stuff (cat/dog beds, towels for wiping off wet paws, etc.) I just use detergent and a heavy load wash, along with an extra rinse.
warm water would shrink your fleece liners which would make it a pain because then the fleece wouldn't fit your pan, cold wouldn't do that.
I wash mine with hot water and vinegar to disinfect. I don't put them in the dryer and mine have never shrunk.
liners should be pre shrunk by the person that made them. I have bought a couple of sets from two different memebers on here and never had any issues with them shrinking in hot/warm water. I guess it is a personal choice about hot or cold. I am just a germaphobe and I tend to wash a lot on hot/warm.

My boyfriend on the other hand is not, he washes his socks and boxers in cold water which grosses me out! Socks in cold water!!!??!?
I wash mine in cold water, and honestly, they don't smell. I dry mine, and I haven't had a problem with their shrinking since I started using a thicker fleece. When I used some thinner fleece, I did have a problem, but as long as you're using quality fleece it shouldn't be a problem.

Many fleeces actually tell you to wash them on warm, so you shouldn't have a shrinking problem, but if you're worried, just hang them to dry and that should stop shrinkage.