Warm Ears

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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New member
Apr 17, 2011
My chinchilla has warm ears right now, and it is a constant 63 degrees F in her room. Four days ago, a similar thing happened, and I really can't figure out why. The warm ears usually last for 20 minutes to 2 hours. She is acting fine, she is eating pellets, hay, and drinking her water regularly. Her poopers are look great and her urine output is good too, so I don't know what is wrong with her. Her paws and body are not warm, just her ears. I am worried about her, because she doesn't act sick, but then why are her ears warm? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Please only post true emergencies to the emergency section. It keeps people from panicking and rushing to help. If your chin is eating, drinking, peeing, and pooping, it's not generally an emergency.

Warm ears can be from sleeping, after play time, or from the room being slightly warm. Your chin is eating, drinking, and acting like a chin otherwise, so most likely it was sleeping and that's why the ears are warm because they often times fold them up against their bodies.