Waking up with bites

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Well-known member
Jun 23, 2009
Phoenix, AZ
I don't know what's going on, but lately I have been waking up with red marks all over my arms and legs that kinda hurt/itch when you touch them. They start out small and then spread in size the next day, then start to fade. They look like bite marks, but I'm not sure from what. I doubt they are bed bugs because I just got a new mattress last week, I keep the place in tip top shape cleaning wise, and we have an exterminator come every month.

I sleep with my dog so I thought that maybe he had fleas, but the vet said that we don't have fleas in Arizona:hmm:, so didn't provide us with flea/tick drops. I'm guessing that's what it is because I slept in the guest room last night with my other dog, and I woke up with more of them.

Could it be a bug that traveled in from the chin's hay? I don't use bedding for them, just fleece.

I have no idea what this could be. Anyone have a suggestion?
Could be a chemical "leaching" through the new mattress, too. If you're not using a mattress pad, try one.
I know my wife uses Benadryl for minor skin irratation, but sometimes the pills make her tired, but I think there is a cream that works, too.
Have you changed detergent or bar soap lately? Sometimes that'll do it, too!
This is something I heard and I'm not trying to freak you out. Sometimes when people have new mattresses delivered they also remove your old mattress. If your new mattress was on a truck that had an old, bed bug ridden mattress on it, new mattresses can be infected with bed bugs. Did they haul away your old mattress when they delivered your new one? If so, there may have been other old mattresses in that truck with your new mattress. I hope that's not the case but just keep it in mind.
uhhh..............ewwwww!! note to self: get a pick up truck and bring home mattress myself!
let's hope brittney just has hives!!

This is what they look like. They are everywhere. I have no idea what they are. They are up and down my arms and legs even on top of my feet. I've already had chicken pox, so it's not that. I steam cleaned the new mattress and washed everything in my room on extra hot and steamed my whole room yesterday thinking thats what it was, but I still woke up with bites.

And no, they didn't take the old mattress away, we have it in the garage.
Did you get the mattress from a reputable, large furniture or mattress store? Because some places actually sell mattresses as new, but they aren't... Kinda creepy, I saw a show on 20/20 about it.
Do you see a puncture/bite in any area of the red mark? It's hard to tell from your pic but to me it looks like hives. Are you taking any new medicines?
I don't see any punctures, they just hurt/itch but only when touched.

No new medications. Only a new matterss and a new car.
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Them are bites from something i dont think it is hives. Hives usually are more like red blotches kinda like a rash from what ive experienced. Looks like flea bites or bed bug bites.
I agree with the bites. I've seen lots o'hives and though everyone's are a little different those look like bites to me. Mosquito bites or flea bites.

It's real easy to figure it out - sleep in another room for a few nights.

Fleas live everywhere. They've moved into the drier parts of the desert areas because people plant grass lawns and have terrible indoor hygene. They go visiting with pets - pick up fleas - deposit in house and on lawn(s). Cockroaches get around the same way.

I'd get some flea stuff, when I get bit by them (or mosquitoes) it looks like that.
Yeah, I slept in a different room last night, but still with one of my dogs, and I woke up with more. Bed bugs would just stay in 1 room right?
Yea, bed bugs are localized to wherever the crack/nest is that they're living. They'll also leave dark brown (dried blood/droppings) spots all over the place.

Edited to include a link; Thought this house might have them when I moved in, so I researched them a bit. :))

Turns out it was just tons of skeeters - I have a bed net now.
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yeah, I don't see any of the dark brown blotches and I scanned my room up and down and cleaned everything. Ok, I'm guessing they are fleas.. I ran to a different vet and grabbed some flea drops for my dogs, and we are bombing the house tomorrow.