New member
My new male chin Tyson has been in my home and his new home for a few weeks now. I got him from my girlfriend and her parents as an early Christmas gift. I love the little guy, only problem is he isn't too fond of me. When I first got him he was very sweet and would let me pet him. I didn't let him out of his cage the first week. After that I would open the cage door and set his carrying crate down next to the door and he would eventually jump in and I would take him to the bathroom to run around and play. About 4 days ago he was exploring his cage and fell from one of the ledges i set up for him. Now it seems he hates me. He sometimes barks when I come near his cage and also will lunge and make a nasty almost grunting sound and attempt to bite me. I have given him a few days to himself only reaching in the cage o change the food and water but it still seems he is very aggressive toward me. He is most aggressive when he is in his grass ball where he sleeps a lot of the time. What can I do to hopefully gain his trust back and stop him from being so aggressive toward me or anyone?