Urine Question

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Buddha & Moose (:
Sep 23, 2012
Springville, UT
This is just a quick question, but do most chinchillas have a corner that they pee in like Rabbits, or is it just anywhere?
My chin will pee in the middle of the bottom level of his cage, where he has bedding. Not just in a corner like I thought he would, but right smack in the middle, right next to his food. I know that when we had Rabbits, they would pick a corner as far away from their food as possible.
So basically, I am just wondering if this is normal for chins?
My Mimi seems to pee the most in one certain corner, but really she'll just pee anywhere.
Yep, lots of them do. But some just pee where they pee. Try moving the dish to another location and see if he still pees in the same spot.