Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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Well-known member
Nov 24, 2010
The past three days Tainga's activity level has been decreasing. She doesn't seem to care for playtime and when she's out she just sits in the corner. I checked her eyes, teeth and nose and everything seemed fine. Today i did not see her come out of her igloo all day, not even to eat or drink. I tryed giving her hay and pellets, but she refused to eat them. When i got home from work i scooted her out to take another look at her and her nose was all wet =[ she drank a bit of water before going back into her igloo, but still wouldn't eat. Judging by the amount of food in their bowl and hay in the cage it seems that Tinker (her roomate) is the only one eating. I am terrified of bringing her to the vet because he cannot even sex a chin though he claims to be a chin specialist. He told me my first 2 girls were males and though my first chin could have been just too sick to fix, i feel that the meds he gave her were what killed her and i do not want to relive this scenerio with my sweet Tainga. Is there anything i can do? Anybody know of any REAL chinchilla specialists in the East Stroudsburg, PA area?
P.S. i have not heard any sneezes, coughs or wheezing at all and my bed is next to their cage
Not sure what is wrong with her but her symptoms dictate that she be taken to a vet asap as it sounds like she is lethargic and not eating which is an emergency in a chin! Unfortunately all of the advice in the world will not help without a visit to the vet and I believe that most of the advice from forum members will be to take her to a vet asap!

Also, it sounds like you may have males as well - is there any chance that she is pregnant and could have been littering? A chin in the process of littering will often have a wet nose as a result of trying to deliver a kit.

Good luck to you - I hope that she pulls through!
When i opened the cage to give fresh hay today she showed interest in coming out. she has come out a few times today to eat few pellets, drink, and just hop around. i do know this does not mean she is better. No, i have only females. i am trying to find a chin specialist as the only one i have found clearly is not reputable.
Chins go downhill fast if they are not eating/drinking at all or enough... how are her poops? The usual normal, healthy amount or very tiny and and only very few? Have you checked the vet listings in the FAQ's here on the forum?
I know =[ thats why its so scary! It is difficult to tell what her poop is like because of her cagemate. I called my local snake and animal farm who have been known to house chinchillas in hopes of a recomendation. They referred me to creature comforts about 40mins away. I am awaiting their call back to make an appointment.
the doctor that sees chins is noot in today or tomorrow. Should i make an app with the doctor i do not like or trust for tomorrow or wait th extra day for the reputable doctor?