URI No Improvment

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New member
Jul 9, 2012
I apologize that my first post on this wonderful amazing site, is an emergency one. I feel like I should make a proper introduction. Maybe another day when I can stop worrying about our poor Chin. Buddy is his name. We have had him for over 2 years now. We are not sure of his age as we got him from a friend, that got him from a friend. Sadly we are his 3rd family, but the best one none the less.
Buddy came down with what I believe is a URI or close to that. His breathing is raspy/wheezy, no energy, just not himself. We took him to an exotic vet on July 2nd. The vet started him on an antibiotic, SMZ-TMP. We gave that to him twice a day for a week. He didn’t get worse but he didn’t get better either. Not much eating, some drinking, small poops, and not active at all. I called the vet yesterday and he gave us Baytril. I had read up on the SMZ-TMP and many said that it just wasn’t strong enough for a URI. The vet mixed in some raspberry syrup, but Buddy doesn’t like it at all. We struggled a bit with the other antibiotic, but this Batril is way hard. We only got ½ of a dose in him this morning, (a whole dose last night) The vet also gave us some Critical Care. He took that very well last night, to the point of gobbling it up. Now this morning/day he isn’t taking it.
So here are my questions:
How long might it take to see improvement since we started on the Baytril.
How do you get them to take the Baytril/Critical Care?
-I know I have read to force feed them…and burrito wrap them up. Is that the best way? I guess I am looking for some encouragement. I know we as parents have to do what we have to do. I guess if there is any amazing suggestions…lol…that would be greatly appreciated.
I'm sorry you are going through this and I hope your chin starts to feel better soon. Baytril is the best for URI's but it can also make your chin not want to eat. If possible, get the injectable Baytril. But you have to start force feeding. Yes, the burrito method works best, at least for me it did. With a URI, I force fed a little at a time, several times a day. You can dip the tip of the syringe in some Simethicone (mylicon, infant gas drops) and sometimes the chin will like it and let you feed him. The key is small meals but you have to do this several times a day as just a few small meals are not enough.

I'll try to find some threads with some helpful tips as soon as I get home. Good luck.
Thanks guys!!! We are trying the burrito real soon for the first time. I hope it works. Its so sad to see him so down!
another question

Buddy I believe has taken a turn for the worse. Hardly moving spots in his cage no eating other than a few tiny bites of cc. My question is he has had 3 doses of baytril. Do you think if it was working we would have seen an improvement? Trying to decide if its worth the stress on him to force it in him tonight. I have a feeling he wont make it much longer.
Antibiotics can take 3 - 5 days to take effect. You need to be force feeding him if he is not eating on his own or you will be looking stasis issues on top of the URI.
Sorry I am just catching this, but if you are having problems giving meds - call the vets office and see if they can help you. You may also be able to take him in for injectable baytril so you aren't having to try to force feed it to him.

It is very important that he eats. Try mixing the critical care as directed, but add a little bit of canned pumpkin (100% pumpkin, not pie mix) for some flavor. Most chinchillas will eat it with pumpkin added. You can water it down some if you need to feed it through a syringe, but be careful not to choke him.
We had tried everything that we could. Our buddy past away today. There is a whole in our hearts and in our family! RIP little guy!!!
Thanks for the help!!!