URGENT: Introducing chinnies..intense fighting!

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New member
May 1, 2011
I got chinchillas for the first time in January. Nikki is 9 months and Mollie is a year old. They were already kept together when I picked them up, so I never saw any issues between the two of them. I recently decided to get a new chinny, Callie, who is 4 months old; I got her about a week ago. I made the mistake of introducing them all on the first day...it seemed fine at first since I let them run around in the bathroom (neutral territory) and Nikki even groomed Callie a little bit. After a short period, the two of them started really fighting (it's not as bad between Mollie and Callie). Since then, they've had some more interaction in the room where Nikki and Mollie's cage is and the fighting has gotten worse. Callie even bit a small chunk out of Nikki's ear! Anyway, I had bought a temporary, smaller cage for Callie and have placed in next to the older girls' cage. I've been doing that every night to let them keep sniffing each other - far enough away not to allow any nipping of nose or toes - but no longer let them directly interact with one another.

My main concern/question: Have I ruined my chances of getting them all to be friends since I introduced them so quickly? Maybe I just need to start back at square one..but clearly I need some advice. I'm distressed at how much they fought! Callie hasn't taken crap from Nikki or Mollie and is constantly on the defensive with them (making pig noises, spraying urine even through the cages). Mollie has tried a few times to just go up and sniff her, but Callie sprays her and chases her, but just upsets Mollie.

Please write back with ANY advice you may have about my situation. I want my three girls to all get along and be able to live in the same cage together!!

Also, how long, typically, does it take for chinnies to get used to another? Thanks/!
Firstly you didn't quarantine from any period of time.

Secondly some chins will never get along with other chins. Some chins get along with one chin and not another. It's like throwing people together in an apartment, they might get along great, they might just tolerate each other, or they might hate each other immensely. Never get a chin without knowing you may have to keep it in it's own cage.

For now I'd just keep them housed where they can see and get used to other chins being there, and take it one step at a time. Forcing them together may just end up in bad fights later when it all blows up.
It can be VERY hard to introduce a third cage mate to an already bonded pair, especially females. My guess is, yes, you may have ruined any chance of getting them together, and you may also have driven a wedge between the two who were already together. You may find that they start to fight now, due to the "interloper" who tried to join their duo.

As Nicole said, the very first thing should have been a 30 day quarantine. That's already been broken, so if there is any illness than can be spread from the new chin, it's too late to put that horse back in the barn. However, I would keep them completely separate from each other and give them some serious cooling down time. You "might" be able to try to reintroduce the 3 again later, but it's going to take a lot of patience and probably some tricks to get it to work. Watch your bonded pair closely, make sure they aren't turning on each other, and give them a while to forget about each other, then you can try and intro them again. If, however, they show any signs of fighting the second time, I would not attempt it again.
I agree completely with Tunes - I ALWAYS tell people that often trios do not work unless the three were brought up together. There is a good possibly that now you have ruin it for the pair. They may never trust each other again. If that happens when every thing has settled down (give it a while though) you could TRY the young chin with the less aggressive of the pair. It might not work but chances are it will if you can't get the original pair together
The number one thing needed to introduce chins is patience--PATIENCE is the key. While chins seem cute and cuddly they are very territorial and in my experience the girls more so than the boys. What you need to do is do a search on the forum for introductions. There are many methods and introing a trio is tricky. Usually when introing whiskers are clipped and baking vanilla is placed on everyone's noses and buttsw to mask some scent. There is a smoosh method, smaller cage within larger cage, and car ride methods out there. It's in your best interest to read over these threads and develop a plan for trying again.
I have had my two chins for a few months now. I got a call about another one this lady was getting rid of. (she wanted a new pet..sick of her chin) So I went and picked her up, I introduced them one at a time. They were fine at first, but then two of my girls started to fight a little. They would nip, chase and kick at each other and were spraying, that only lasted a few hours. NOW they all get along great!!! All three of them sleep together!! So maybe you should re-introduce yours one at a time, and let them have only one on one time for a bit before all of them are together. Good luck!