Unusual Head Movement

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New member
Jan 13, 2012
We have two beige chinchillas, one **** beige one hetero beige. Our **** beige chin Travis does a really strange behaviour. Quite regularly he sits and tilts his head round (either to his right or left). Once his head reaches round to a certain point his head quickly jolts back to the starting position. Then he just repeats this process until he decides to stop. He's almost unresponsive to any audio or visual stimulation when this happens. There doesn't seem to be any real pattern when he does this.
Are his eyes closed when he does this? He could be going to sleep and then wake up startled but if it happens regularly he might have an ear infection. You might want to have a Vet check him out.

Is he eating and acting normal otherwise?

Hi Claudia,

Thanks for your response; we have had him for a little more than a year now and he has always done it.

The most common time we have noticed it is when he hears something novel or experiences something unusual/stressful. His eyes are always open when he does it; they appear vacant and unaware though. It is also quite impossible to get his attention until he has snapped out of it.

He is eating, drinking and behaving normally (inquisitive, friendly etc). It's almost as if he has to shut down to process what he has just experienced. Some noises trigger him, but after a number of times he hears a specific noise it seems less likely to trigger the odd trance.

We are assuming that it might be neurologically based. Have you had any experience of anything similar?
I had a rescue that I brought in that did this. She would do it something when I cleaned or gave her a dust bath. She would also move in circles when she got excited! I got her checked out and there was no infection or anything health wise that was going on that the vet could detect.
She did that for about 2 years and then unfortunately it seemed to progress into mild seizures. Still not sure and all the vet could tell me was that it was something neurological.
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Hi Terbear24, thanks for your reply.

I hope you dont mind me asking, but i was just wondering whether the vet suggested any medication for the seizures? And was her life span shortened at all by the seizures?