Ultrasonic Dog Bark Control Devises

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Nov 27, 2010
Does anyone know if ultrasonic dog anti bark devices will affect a chin? I want to get one to hopefully keep my annoying neighbors dog quiet :banghead: I'm hoping it won't affect our chins. Thanks for any help.
I wouldnt think so but you may want to avoid it. If I remember correctly a chins hearing is very similar to ours. Will it be outside away from the chins? I would think as long as they are far enough away it would be ok.
considering those collars are a horrible, horrible way to try to train a dog, with the unknown for the chins don't bother. those things always make the problem WORSE and just creates a terrified aggressive dog. What will fix the situation if your neighbor finds a certified behaviourist (not some ceasar millan junk training), positive reinforcement and clicker training, and bumping up the dog's exercise by 2-3 hours, not lounging in the back yard, but full on dog park until he gets tired. poor dog, I hope you can do something for him because no matter how bothered you are by it, he is 100x worse :(
One of my co-workers swears by those bark control devices... like the ones you plug into the wall. They said you can't hear it at all, and if the chins' hearing is similar to ours, then I wouldn't think they'd be able to hear it either.

That said, I'm not sure how effective that would be. The ones I've seen only work 20-25 feet from the base (which is plugged into the wall). So if the dog was farther away than that, it wouldn't make any difference in the barking.
I wouldn't use one. My grandma had one for her dog, and when I was at her house I wanted to see how it worked (stupid) so we put it very close to my ear and it gave me the worst stinging feeling in my head (it felt like a bee stung the inside of my ear). People thought I was crazy but my brothers girlfriend did the same thing, and she said the same thing I did, it stung (and gave us severe headaches)!
I would not recommend using it, especially near your chins, just in case.
There are other ways to deal with your neighbor dog barking, that would be safer for both you and your chins (and the dog).
Talk to your neighbor and let THEM deal with the dog.....it's their responsibility to.

We have a barker (Our OWN dog..) and I just talked to the vet about it. We've tried a LOT, training, medication, etc with this dog, unfortunately it's the breed. Lucky me.

Anyway Citranella collar is what they highly recommended. Sprays them when they bark. He only wears it when he goes out....and it only took one spray for him to get the hint.