uh oh

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Well-known member
Aug 24, 2011
ok so when i got my chin she gave me some hay and food that shes been eating. after running out of food i renewed it with the same brand mazuri that i got at a pet store i know its not expired. also she hasnt eaten her hay and she usually eats a lot. she turning 4 in 6 days also she hasnt ever used anything in her cage considering theres no poop and i cleaned it today get back soon please thanks
Can you please explain the situation with some more detail? I'm having a hard time figuring out what you're trying to say.
ok well basicly shes not eating running around or as from what i can see pooping
Not eating, not running around (lethargic), not pooping? Sounds like she needs a vet ASAP. We're not going to be able to give you much help. This needs medical attention.
She can die very fast with the symptoms you list, she needs a vet now, not tomorrow not the next day, NOW.
ok so i spent a while hand feeding her and she seems to be doing better now and shes walking around a little eating hay and chewing
Handfeeding without diagnosing the problem is not a great idea, there is a reason she is not eating and by not addressing that you can make matters worse. If it is teeth or gut issues, a vet needs to diagnose it for proper treatment. We cannot say its going to be alright because you got some food forced into her.
no i mean like she came up to it sometimes when she doesnt want it she drops it and runs to do whatever her little heart desires but she seems fine now going on with normal life
Just be aware that chins hide their symptoms and illness and if your chin is acting out of the ordinary, then I would keep a close eye on her and she may need to see a vet. If you wait too long, you could lose her.
well shes eating now pooping and theres evidence shes drinking so as of right now i think shes fine shes also just being a little terotorial but thats normal for her
Why in the space of a hours worth of time does the situation go from a emergency to no big deal? Can you explain what is going on better? You said she was not eating, pooing or moving around and yesterday you stated she was laying funny and not eating.
i would say a vet visit is needed. when chin savy members here say go to the vet, you go to the vet.

one thing i do want to clarify though lola - your profile says you have only one chin, yet different threads you have posted talk about a chin that is different ages. in this thread your chin is almost 4 years old. in your wheel question thread your chin is 3 months and two weeks old, and in your 'my wonderful chinchilla' thread, your chin is almost 4 years old again. please clarify the age of your chin, so that the advice we give is appropriate to the age of the chin. thanks.
oops well she is turning almost 4 and i meant months not years and i guess i was just freaking out do to the fact that im fairly new
i would say a vet visit is needed. when chin savy members here say go to the vet, you go to the vet.

one thing i do want to clarify though lola - your profile says you have only one chin, yet different threads you have posted talk about a chin that is different ages. in this thread your chin is almost 4 years old. in your wheel question thread your chin is 3 months and two weeks old, and in your 'my wonderful chinchilla' thread, your chin is almost 4 years old again. please clarify the age of your chin, so that the advice we give is appropriate to the age of the chin. thanks.

Unless a person has been on this forum for a long time it's hard to know who the 'chin savvy' members are. Posting a lot and racking a post count does not always go hand in hand with being knowledgeable. With that being said, if the OP felt that it was enough of an emergency to post it here, then she should have taken our advice seeing as she got the same response from multiple people.

I don't know about the whole issue with the different ages, seeing as I have not verified it myself. But regardless of age, if ANY chin is displaying the symptoms listed by the OP, that animal needs to be in the care of a knowledgeable vet, not a bunch of people hanging out on the internet.

To the OP- I could go on and on but I'm going to keep this short. If you're going to ask for advice, especially in the emergency section, you need to follow it. If you're just going to disregard it then please don't waste our time by posting.
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ok id like to say thank you to brittany not only for her great answer but for defending me and clarifying some things. guess it was just a scare because shes normal now sorry