Uh Oh I made my hanging hidey house wrong please help!

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Nov 26, 2013
So i bought a sewing machine about a week ago for the primary purpose of spoiling my furbabies. well I've been making easy things like hammocks and liners so far and I tried to make a hanging hidey house but I made it WAY to big and I made it out of one layer of fleece because I didn't feel safe using cotton. Anyway my chin loves it but because it's too big it sags down a LOT when he gets in. Is there anything I can do to salvage it without having to make a whole new one?
can you post pictures? maybe that will help get you suggestions.

BUT... if your chin already loves it, why risk altering it when he possibly might not like it afterwards? i'd call it a day and leave it be!
gotta love when it sags... at least my chins still did'

