Types of chinchillas?

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Jan 19, 2011
Hi, I'm a new owner and I was wondering how many types of chinchillas are there and how can i tell the difference? I bought my chinchilla at the pet store and they aren't really sure about that... soo yah ~_~ I'm wondering how many types there are Thanks!
Hi Iam and welcome to the forum.
What exactly do you mean by 'type'? Species?
There are two living species of chinchilla, Chinchilla brevicaudata and Chinchilla lanigera. I believe domestic chins come from the latter species. Someone please correct me if I am wrong.

Or do you mean fur colour? If so, please confirm.
Brevicaudatas are larger animals, small ears, blunt nose and shorter tail.

Costinas are pointy looking, have big ears and long tails.

Lanigeras characteristics fall between the Brevicaudata and Costina.
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brevicaudata, lanigera and costina are body types, not different species. Different species generally can't breed with each other and all three of the chinchilla "types" can interbreed.
ah i see, lol sorry the wrong use of words... i'm not sure what to call it before other than using the word type >_> and thanks for the replies its really helpful =D