Tubes.. too many tubes....

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Well-known member
Jun 23, 2009
Phoenix, AZ
My boyfriend works as an installer for a cable company, so he brings me the innard cardboard tubes from cable rolls when they become available. They are about 8" in diameter and 12" long. You think these would be big enough or too big for fleece tubes? Also, do you think it would be ok if they chewed on them? I have more than I can cover in fleece and just wanted to throw bare ones in there to chew up. Any other ideas I can make with these would be wonderful!

They'd be fine for fleece tubes, you'd just need to make the covers bigger.

I think for chewing purposes, so long as they aren't the type that carpet is stored on, I think they'd be fine. Kind of like giving the toilet paper rolls.

If you wanted to get real creative, you could connect a bunch and make a big tunnel maze with openings on the top and sides for during playtime. But that would take a while to connect them all and cut a bunch of holes..
My dad gets tubes like that from stuff that's delivered to him. The last one he got was about 5 feet long with a 6 inch diameter. We cut it into different sizes and put a couple pieces in the cage. My chinchillas LOVE them! They spend probably 90% of their time in the tubes - sleeping and shredding. I was going to cover them with fleece, but they seem to really enjoy shredding the tubes >_<

I also use oatmeal containers (the cardboard kind), but they prefer the thick shipping tubes over them, even though they are almost the same diameter and length.
I have something similar from my fiance's job site and tonite we are cutting them and drilling holes to make fleece covered tubes. they are pretty sturdy like the PVC but it is difficult to find PVC in the diameter I need around here. plus....these were free!
sure barb. but these are BIG ones. at least 6 or 8 inches in diameter and 10 feet tall.
I will cut a few pieces up and save them for you.