Trouble giving a dog liquid medication, general med question

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Well-known member
Sep 3, 2011
I've posted about my girl, Sakura, before. I'm having trouble giving her her liquid medication. Her pills I hide in lunch meat, and she takes them no problem. She sees me with a syringe she growls and tries to bite. I tried using a leather glove, but it seemed to stress her out so much. The past couple Of days I have asked my mom to do it. My dog trust my mom and will take it with no problem. My mom won't always be able to do it for me. I'm just not sure how to regain my dog's trust or if I can at this point. The liquid medication is 2x a day. It isn't something that comes in pill form, and taking it isn't optional. She is on a five med combo. I'm not sure if it's only some drugs that are helping, or all of them. Until my vet started her on meds I thought she was going to die within a week of diagnosis. She looked really bad.

This is her two days ago:


It's hard to even tell she is sick some days :)
I can never be sure if she is going to eat all of the canned food I give her. She normally only picks at it. Sometimes she eats it, sometimes she snubs it. I guess that's really my fault, she normally has two or three options when she eats. I'm just afraid she isn't going to eat :/ I guess I'm bending to her whim?
Not sure if this would change the effectiveness of the medication -- check with the pharmacist -- but what if you froze it (measure the right dose and put in an ice cube tray), then inserted into the frozen "med-nuggets" in the lunchmeat just like you usually do?
What about bread? Would she eat it if it was squirted on some bread? Maybe even wrap it in a little of the meat? May not be the best way to give, but just throwing out an idea.
When my dog got mange when he was a pup he was given liquid ivermectin 2x a day for weeks. I figured out that he loved pupperoni and the chicken jerky treats and they had such a strong smell to them that even though I would cover them in the medicine he would still gladly eat them. So if your dog really likes the lunch meats then just squirt the liquid medicine on them, let it soak in a bit and then give it to her as a treat! Hope it works!

when our dog had her eye removed literaly the only way to get her to take her meds was squirting/putting them in a nutragrain bar. (yes i know it. probably not to good for the dog. we were getting desperate though. she never gets them usualy. and hasnt had them since)

i say try feeding her it in lunch meat or bread. it used to work with our dog/cat. though if freezing it would work that sounds like an interesting option