Hi there!
I've actually been on this forum before, in awful circumstances, long re-cap below:
A few months ago, we got our first chinchilla from Petco. She was young--a few months old, and extremely tame, bordering subdued. She was never super energetic, but she did bounce around a bit, eat normally, and exhibited curiosity about her surroundings. Her droppings were a bit on the softer side, which concerned me. Within a few days of getting her, we came home to her huddled in the corner, barely moving and feeling cold. We rushed her to the vet, and she become progressively weaker (couldn't support herself to sit up), and her nose started running profusely and she started to drool. We made the very difficult decision to put her down, as it became clear she wouldn't recover. The vet said it was probably a respiratory infection (potentially pneumonia) given her symptoms, but that they couldn't be sure.
Recently, we tried again. I couldn't find a breeder anywhere near me (in NYC), so I got another chinchilla from Petco, assuming that we'd just gotten unlucky with the sick chin last time. We got another girl, a little older and definitely more energetic. She was also extremely tame, and seemed very sturdy. Her droppings were completely normal to begin with. Over the course of a week, we spent a lot of time together and I watched like a hawk for any signs of illness, as I know that chinchillas deteriorate extremely fast once they show symptoms. Her droppings got smaller and less frequent, and sometimes a bit mucousy, which worried me. A few nights later, she started to act extremely lethargic, which I knew was a red flag. I also heard clicking sounds when she breathed, which suggested she was congested. Unfortunately it was during the night so we had to wait until morning to get her to the vet. At that point it was too late; they tried to treat her but she showed no signs of recovering. Again, we had to put her down. The vet (an exotics specialist) said that it was likely an upper respiratory infection (potentially along with a digestive problem like giardia), which pet store chinchillas can contract from transportation or being around other animals like rabbits. But she couldn't be 100% sure.
At this point, I'm terrified to get another chinchilla despite how much I loved the little time I got with the two we had. I'm not sure if it's just this particular Petco store that has an infection going around their chinchilla population, but we got the second one about a month after the first one, so they definitely never had direct contact. We also thoroughly sanitized the cage and threw away anything that could contain bacteria/viruses.
From your experience, does it sound like these two had the same health issues? And if so, is it very likely something going on in that particular pet store? I'm seriously considering getting a kit from a small hobby breeder upstate who I found recently. They seem great and knowledgeable, but I absolutely cannot go through the heartache of parting with another one. :-( I hear they are hardy animals, but from my experience they seem extremely delicate.
Please let me know what your two cents are; I'd really, really appreciate it!
Thank you SO much! (And apologies for this novel!)
I've actually been on this forum before, in awful circumstances, long re-cap below:
A few months ago, we got our first chinchilla from Petco. She was young--a few months old, and extremely tame, bordering subdued. She was never super energetic, but she did bounce around a bit, eat normally, and exhibited curiosity about her surroundings. Her droppings were a bit on the softer side, which concerned me. Within a few days of getting her, we came home to her huddled in the corner, barely moving and feeling cold. We rushed her to the vet, and she become progressively weaker (couldn't support herself to sit up), and her nose started running profusely and she started to drool. We made the very difficult decision to put her down, as it became clear she wouldn't recover. The vet said it was probably a respiratory infection (potentially pneumonia) given her symptoms, but that they couldn't be sure.
Recently, we tried again. I couldn't find a breeder anywhere near me (in NYC), so I got another chinchilla from Petco, assuming that we'd just gotten unlucky with the sick chin last time. We got another girl, a little older and definitely more energetic. She was also extremely tame, and seemed very sturdy. Her droppings were completely normal to begin with. Over the course of a week, we spent a lot of time together and I watched like a hawk for any signs of illness, as I know that chinchillas deteriorate extremely fast once they show symptoms. Her droppings got smaller and less frequent, and sometimes a bit mucousy, which worried me. A few nights later, she started to act extremely lethargic, which I knew was a red flag. I also heard clicking sounds when she breathed, which suggested she was congested. Unfortunately it was during the night so we had to wait until morning to get her to the vet. At that point it was too late; they tried to treat her but she showed no signs of recovering. Again, we had to put her down. The vet (an exotics specialist) said that it was likely an upper respiratory infection (potentially along with a digestive problem like giardia), which pet store chinchillas can contract from transportation or being around other animals like rabbits. But she couldn't be 100% sure.
At this point, I'm terrified to get another chinchilla despite how much I loved the little time I got with the two we had. I'm not sure if it's just this particular Petco store that has an infection going around their chinchilla population, but we got the second one about a month after the first one, so they definitely never had direct contact. We also thoroughly sanitized the cage and threw away anything that could contain bacteria/viruses.
From your experience, does it sound like these two had the same health issues? And if so, is it very likely something going on in that particular pet store? I'm seriously considering getting a kit from a small hobby breeder upstate who I found recently. They seem great and knowledgeable, but I absolutely cannot go through the heartache of parting with another one. :-( I hear they are hardy animals, but from my experience they seem extremely delicate.
Please let me know what your two cents are; I'd really, really appreciate it!
Thank you SO much! (And apologies for this novel!)