Toys ? Where to get materials

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This had probably been posted alot ... I am from Alberta Canada and would like to know where to get items to make some toys and what differen't toys I can make ..

Walmart ?
Home depot ?
Peavy mart ?
Do any of those places carry anything that can make some toys ??

Any information or idea would be greatly appreciated
Is there any special place where I can get rosehips ? or apple wood or anything like that besides ordering it from the states ? Or is there a canadain supplier on here ?
I sell toys, supplies, feed, dust, etc...and am in BC.

Just fyi, sometimes the canadapost shipping module on there is a bit wonky (charges for say - 8 boxes instead of one) when using paypal, so you are welcome to hit the check/money order function in check out to avoid that.

I usually confirm the shipping charges, and send an invoice by paypal. I accept interac transfer, paypal, direct deposit or money orders for payment. :)
I get my toys from bird toy supply websites..I'm not sure which ones are based in Canada but you could probably search in google and turn up some. I buy from You probably aren't going to find safe toy parts in any of those stores. If you did, they would be in the craft section and most are treated with chemicals.
Well I was wondering where I can get grapevine ? Cholla ? Applewood ? pumice ? or anything like that locally ?
not local for sure, i get my wood from pet products by nature. very reasonable. i hear they might be opening a store in canada in the near future???
Yeah I am just not big on ordering on the internet .. as why I would see if its possible to get the stuff locally
Hate to say it ,but if you have chins you will learn that the best/highest quality supplies as a whole will come from chin friendly web sites.Fellow chin owners wether it be pet/breeders/ranchers seem to be the only ones knowledgeable and able to consistently provide chin safe products.If you have a breeder nearby,its possible they may be able to sell supplies to you.
I understand that , but they get there supplies from somewhere I would imagine .. and was wondering where .. but thats alittle difficult to be awnsered it seems ..

Thanks for the responses .
Most of them get their products, like grapevine, cholla, etc from their own back yards or other people they know. For the wood to make the actual toys, like pine blocks, chains etc, they get them from Home Depot, Lowe's and other home improvement stores.
The people that I have purchased chinchilla safe wood from collect and process their own wood. If you or someone you know has trees that produce chinchilla safe woods you could cut, scrub and bake your own. You would be limited to what is grown and organic near you. Rose hips can often be found in health food stores.