Tooth problems?

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Jun 7, 2012
My oldest chin that I got from a pet shop after his owners moved seems to be having trouble eating. I have an appt w an exotic vet. He tips his head sideways and bites off the tops off his pellets then drops the rest. He seems to drool as his fur gets wet from his nose/chin spreading out all down his front and tops off his paws. While he is eating he paws at his mouth repeatedly, sometimes stretching his neck/mouth. I just got him June 1, and had not weighed him but I believe he has lost weight. He is very bony. He seems to eat his hay with no problems.
Yup. Those are all signs of something wrong in his mouth. Be sure you get head X-rays while at the vet.
Well he had 2 points growing down off of a top left tooth. Those were filed and he also 2 abscessed left molars that were actually falling out. They were removed. He is still soaking himself by drooling. I hope this will stop as I don't want him getting sick/coat damaged from being wet. I don't know how long till he eats again, I'm sure it's sore. He has antibiotic that I have to give him 2 times daily for 10 days.
His coat getting wet will not damage it, but if it stays wet long enough will be a perfect ground for fungus to grow. Did your vet tell you if you would have to continue to come in for more filings? More than likely his teeth will continue to give him problems. Hope it all works out for you.
If he's not eating on his own, are you feeding him critical care? You'll need to keep up his weight until he decides to eat again.
I took him to the only exotic vet avail. He said he didn't need to take x-rays as he was able to see the problems during the exam. He sedated him w gas and filed two spots and said they didn't really actually have to extract the two molars as when they touched them w the tool to pull them, they basically fell right out. They were really abscessed. He sent the antibiotic home w us. The bill at the vet for all of it was $124. I have ordered Critical care as he didn't want to eat. A breeder friend told me to put him on kitten formula w baby cereal (oatmeal kind) until the Critical Care arrives. I've been giving him that. He was eating it good, then decided this morn that he's going to try eating his pellet food again. I wish he'd eat some hay. He's still not eating his normal Amt but I'm glad he's trying!
My dear Stitch has passed on. I did everything I could for him. I held him, comforted him and prayed for him while he passed. I have decided that the world of chinchillas is just not for me. I am selling me 2 babies w their cage and all supplies. I have them advertised in the classifieds section here. I am in Central AR if you know of anyone looking for loving chins. God Bless.
I am sooo sooo sorry to hear about Stitch. You did everything that you could for him but sometimes there are things that are just beyond our control. As heartbreaking as it may be you still have 2 other babies that are still there and who do need you. I wish you the best of luck regardless of whatever you decide to do with regards to the 2 that you still have. I would take some time to think because obviously you thought you had Stitch taken care of and I can't imagine your disappointment...