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Not too long ago I had posted about one of my chins having smaller poops...still eating and drinking normally and not changed diet. I had taken him to the vet and she said everything looked fine however he may be eating too many pellets and not enough hay. I have increased the hay and put fresh in the cage everyday. The droppings have improved and now just a couple days ago I have noticed they are rather small again. I monitored him last night for play time and really didnt see droppings from him, and monitored him in the cage and watched him eat his hay and drink his water as normal. Since I was watching him closely last night I saw the droppings were small. Im wondering if this is okay? I mean number one if he was sick or had an impaction he would not be wanting to eat right? Second he would not be as active and playful right? This is just really driving me crazy! I feel like I worry about them maybe too much because if they were acting different I believe I would notice that very quickly as well. I put handful of hay all throughout the cage and I watched him go to each bunches of hay and eat and then I watched him drink. What could this possibly mean or am I worrying too much? The vet did not do an xray for possible compaction but again he would not be eating if that was the case right? Thank you all so much for the help please! :wacko: