this stinks

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I have an extreme case of strep throat. I have no voice, my throat hurts soooo bad I cant swallow, I keep caughing because of the puss pockets on my throat, my eyes are watering, nose is stuffy and im running 103 degree fever so im sweating and shivering my behind off and have been like this for 3 days but to make matters even worse my poor children Have it. Miley my 10 month old has done nothing but cry or 2 days but she is soooo hoarse you cant hear her cry, she wont eat or drink, running a fever of 102 and we wont even talk about sleeping. Hayden my 4 year old has had a fever that has gotten up to 105. All the same symptoms as me and Miley but he also has a double ear infection and his face swelled so much he could not open hs eyes. I hope this goes away soon, I would take all the sickness from kids and deal with it if I could. I hope my babies are better soon.
Hayden my 4 year old has had a fever that has gotten up to 105. All the same symptoms as me and Miley but he also has a double ear infection and his face swelled so much he could not open hs eyes.
Did the doctor put Hayden in the hospital?
no, gave him antibiotics. this is something we go thru about every 3 months with Hayden He is very proned to ear infections and fevers. I just alternate tylenol and motrin and give him amoxicilin 3 times a day for 7-10 days and the swelling goes down and the ears clear up after a few days. Hayden was amiditted to the hospital a while ago from Salmonella and it was very stressful on him because he has an extreme phobia of needles and drs so we decided as long as his ears clear up and his fever breaks with meds and he is drinking he stays home with me but if it gets worse or he is getting dehydrated then he goes straight to the er.
Wow, it's bad enough when mom gets sick, but horrible when the whole family gets it and you don't have the opportunity to take care of just yourself. I had a terrible case of strep a few weeks ago and the doctor took a look in my throat and made an "oh my" comment, "I bet that hurts". The day before my doctor visit I hurt absolutely everywhere and nothing helped, I was so miserable. Lucky it was just me sick and my husband actually had the day off and took care of the kids and me.

My first born had ear infections all the way up to age 1, he was an ear infection away from needing ear drainage and plugs. It's always agonizing to watch your child suffer. I agree with you and wish the sickness upon myself to save my children from having to go through it.

Once I started taking antibiotics for my strep, I got better quickly and I wish the same for you. It's very difficult to care for your sick children when you should be in bed. I pray for a quick recovery for you and your family. Hopefully this will soon be just a miserable memory!