Thinking about entering a show...would it be worth it?

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New member
Aug 15, 2012
Whether you place highly or not, every show is worth the experience. You will meet some great people that are passionate about chinchillas and you will learn a lot about chinchillas and the considerations taken in breeding them. It's always a fun experience!
Agreed, and as far as being "worth it" the real question is what are you hoping to get out of it? Experience and knowledge? Then yes it's worth it!
You should go to the show there is one in WA in Sept. It is always nice to know what the judge(s) say about the chin. Like the ones above just the experience is worth it.

My 1st show I didn't take any chins to show but just hearing what the judge said about everyone's chins was worth it.
As all have mentioned, it really depends on what you're trying to get out of the show. Any show I can easily make it to is worth it (and some not so easily). Because it's a FUN time, with GOOD people and tons of KNOWLEDGE. If you're looking to take your pet to be told she's a GRAND SHOW CHAMPION...stop now. While your chin is a cutie and it CAN be hard to judge much else on a photo...I don't think she appears to be top notch show quality. Just the same, take her, learn a lot...have fun!
I agree with everything that is said.

My first show showing animals I bought for breeding, it was fun learning, hearing the comments and meeting all the people to talk about breeding, quality and all.

I will say that it can be a roller coaster with our chins on the table.

One got 3rd place which pinched since I thought she was awesome but didn't know any better, but now I understand. And in that same show I got a Section Campion, which made my day and stuck with that to improve and move on.

Go their with the expectation of learning, meeting fun people that have the same interest in chinchillas as yourself and you will not be deceived. That is a guarantee.