Thinking about adding another chin...

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Serves Queen Mab
Aug 30, 2012
So I've had my girl Mab for about 4 months now, and I am totally in love with her. She always makes me laugh, and I am so excited to spend *hopefully* many more years with her.

Lately I have been considering getting a buddy for Mab, and I found an ad on Craigslist for a chin that looks just about perfect (Here: She's a healthy 3 year old female who just so happens to be my favorite color. (Not that that's important... but still. It's nice when things work out. :p) I've emailed the owned and requested some more information, but she sounds good so far.

I'm aware a new chin would have to be quarantined for 30 days, and then introduced slowly in a neutral area. I've found some great threads on this site about introductions, so I've got a pretty good feel for how to go about it, but I do have some questions.
-Is it harder to introduce two adults than it would be to introduce an adult and a baby/ two babies?
-Mab is a "smart" chin. She's independent, not very snuggly (unless she's tired), and is always getting into trouble. My cat is scared of her because whenever my cat came close to Mab's cage, Mab would make some aggressive moves towards her (the cat). Mab is not at all aggressive towards people (she has never bitten or even sprayed since I've known her), but does she sound like she'd be the type to reject another chin?
-If Mab didn't accept another chin, could I let them out for playtime together, even if they couldn't be caged together? I'd hate for Mab's playtime to be cut down because I had to let the two out separately. Mab gets about 2 hours out every day, and loves/needs every second of it.
-Am I rushing things? Would it be better to get some more chin experience under my belt before adding another?

I've got a FN 182, as well as a second, smaller backup cage. I do have money in the bank for emergencies, and I usually have enough time to let Mab out twice a day, so I definitely have the means for a second chin.

Thoughts? Opinions?

Complementary picture of the my little devil plotting trouble:

Thank you!
-Is it harder to introduce two adults than it would be to introduce an adult and a baby/ two babies?
I used to think that it was always easier to introduce a baby to another chin (whether it was adult or baby). Then I had two babies born that would not get along with anyone. In the end, it depends on the chins. I've had some adults that go together no problem, some that won't get along, some babies intros go swimmingly, some not so much.

-Mab is a "smart" chin. She's independent, not very snuggly (unless she's tired), and is always getting into trouble. My cat is scared of her because whenever my cat came close to Mab's cage, Mab would make some aggressive moves towards her (the cat). Mab is not at all aggressive towards people (she has never bitten or even sprayed since I've known her), but does she sound like she'd be the type to reject another chin?
It's hard to say. One of my chins which is a bit territorial and aggressive in his cage is also the one that gets along with everyone. I've had very mellow chins that won't get along with others. Again, it just depends on the chin.

-If Mab didn't accept another chin, could I let them out for playtime together, even if they couldn't be caged together?
Maybe yes, maybe no. I have rescues that don't live together (and won't live together) that I can let out for playtime at the same time, but there's also a chin here or there that cannot be put with others for playtime, cause they will just spend the entire time chasing around and bothering the other chin.

I realize this isn't particularly helpful, but it really does depend on the two chins in question, and you never know how things will go until you actually try.
I agree with Grey. Be prepared as if it's going to be two cages, separate playtimes and lives forever and if that doesn't put you off then you might as well try. Even if it goes well for a while, any pair can suddenly decide one day that they hate each other and you'd have to split them. Good luck!