The squeaks.

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Sep 21, 2011
My male chinchilla has been non-stop squeaking for two days now.
He's been bouncing off the cage walls and jumping levels like crazy. Along with the constant chirps, calls and loud bellowing squeaks. It's making the female in the cage quite angry where she'll not let him in the house box or sometimes she even grits her teeth.

I was wondering if this behavior for the male is normal or if something was maybe up with him? I've had him since May and he's never been the one to be so hyper-active and vocal.
the first thing you want to do is separate your male and female. breeding chinchillas is not something you want to do without the knowledge and without high quality chins that have pedigrees.

after separating the male and female into two different cages, keep the female on pregnancy watch for 111 days (gestation period of a chin). read the breeding and babies section here to learn what to do if your female is pregnant.