the odd sneeze

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Well-known member
Aug 16, 2011
the one thing that i dont enjoy about these forums is reading other peoples illnesses and think my chins have everything

so like my title saids "the odd sneeze"

mei mei has the every not so often sneeze

da vinci i hear him sneeze once in a few days?

he definitely sneezes when he mistakes the toilet as dust bath thats normal (bedding has some dust.. using carefresh)

if anything da vinci is gaining weight (yay! he use to be a tight bag of bones)
and i have said in worry before he use hang out on his one plat form and only leave for food water and apple stick

great news! today he's super affectionate and just bouncing off the wall
and did the "up" command for treats too!! (which is tap and say up where you want him to be)

back to what i'm worried about is a URI?
some of you are going through it and i can't tell if i should be worried

da vinci usually spends 80% time sleeping or standing on his plat form
today maybe only 50% time
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Relax a little. They are allowed to sneeze and probably do it more than you think. I notice every time now as I've been treating a URI.

I can tell you the URI sneezes are different in my experience at the moment. They are loud (I think mine are ok now but there is some silent sneezing), By frequent I took mine after they sneezed loudly in a few hours 3 times (don't ask me why 3). Both of mine had lost weight prior to the sneezing. They had no discharge from nose really (but chins nose wipe) but one also got an infected eye (they now both have that as the only symptom).

They also went off their food - and this is at the stage the vet was surprised Id noticed it. The other sign was holding them to my ear and listening to breathing through the nose. There was a definite constant noise. In thrle case of my sickest, He had clicking when he breathed.

I think your chin is probably fine, but if in doubt, see your vet. x
Can someone post all the signs for a URI? I've heard anything from sneezing, rubbing the nose, and crusties on the nose. I'm not really sure which ones add up to URI and which ones add up to a vet visit.
If there are any of the signs of a URI, the chin needs to see a vet ASAP. URIs can go downhill extremely fast. Waiting a day or two could be the death of the chinchilla. With chins, there is no such thing as a little head cold that will go away without help from a vet.
If there are any of the signs of a URI, the chin needs to see a vet ASAP. URIs can go downhill extremely fast. Waiting a day or two could be the death of the chinchilla.

But what are ALL the symptoms? I don't know them.

And the answer to the OP said that chins were allowed to sneeze once and awhile. Leo only rubs his nose/sneezes right after he flips in dust, I just take it as hes cleaning off his nose.
Well mine had the following symptoms - first weight loss over a few weeks, not eating as much. Second, Eye infection in one of them. Third, sneezing quite loudly becoming more frequent. Frequent nose wiping. Forth, on holding them to my ear I could hear noise when they were breathing - one was making a regular clicking noise in breathing the other had squeaky noises (the one with the clicking had it too)
Also when out for a run, they got out of breath, sides moving more.

My vet said it was at a stage that was early and many wouldn't have caught it at that point. When she listened to the lungs, the worst chin has crackling noise in one lung slightly. The other was judged clear. For me, the key symptom was the excessive sneezing.
Okay, he's sneezed once or twice, and is starting to grind his teeth, which I've heard could be another symptom, he's going to the vet today for a check up, just to be safe. And to put my mind at ease :)
Signs of a URI are as follows: excessive sneezing (not just once or twice), labored breathing, watery eyes, nasal discharge, clicking, squeaking, grunting noises when breathing, weight loss, loss of appetite. If a chinchilla shows any or these signs, they need to see a vet ASAP. Keep in mind that they usually do not show all of these signs and what looks like a little runny nose or a lot of sneezing can become a full blown URI or even Pneumonia. The faster the chin gets to the vet, the better the chinchilla's chances of surviving.
Okay thanks!

I took him to the vet anyway today just to get him a checkup, and everything seems to be fine with him, so I'm calmer.